Project News

Blessings from a Bible Study
September 1, 2014
Before returning to the States, Jesse & Jessy had the opportunity to complete a few projects that were funded through Trinity by a Bible Study group in Butler, PA. The donations were used to help the everyday needs of the children at the orphanage. We purchased over 400 diapers, baby powder, 15 cartons of juice, and a grocery cart full of food! The rest of the donations were used to reach out and bless a young girl finishing up her time with the juvenile detention center. Thank you to everyone that attends the Klutinoty's Bible Study! Get your Bible study, small group, or church involved too! Make a difference today!

New Partnerships + Projects
June 19, 2014
We have officially begun some projects with our new ministry partner, an orphanage in Northern Thailand. This orphanage ministers to children with special needs. They provide a fun, safe, clean, and spiritually uplifting home for these young children as they await adoption.

Kitchen Supplies
June 9, 2014
This afternoon we met Enoch and Deborah at the store to buy them some kitchen items. We know kitchen supplies are always needed when you cook for 70+ kids daily! We were able to purchase them pots, pans, trays, cutting boards, plates, spoons, and much more!

More Bibles for the Juvenile Center
June 4, 2014
Exciting projects are continuing to happen! Today we went with our friends to purchase 21 more Bibles to give to young girls at the juvenile detention center here in Chiang Mai. Many new girls are attending the ongoing Bible studies and are requesting their own Bibles! We thank you for your donations to Trinity's Bible fund. You are impacting lives!

A New Chapter in Her Life
May 9, 2014
She's headed to college! On Tuesday, we got to meet up with Chuleeporn for registration day at Rajabhat University! She signed up for her classes for the first semester which will start in August. Thank you to everyone who donated to this great cause! You are such a blessing to this young girl and her family. Pray for her as she begins this new chapter in her life!

A Taste of Love
April 15, 2014
Through the child sponsorship program, all of the kids at the Children's Ministry have received fresh, nutritious food. Over the past 6 months, we have decided to get even more involved by helping do some of the grocery shopping. Each week with money designated for the kids' food, we have purchased hundreds of pounds of fruits, veggies, and meat.
Check out the video below to see a brief look at our time spent shopping at the local markets and grocery stores and a look at one of the kids' meals. Thank you to each of the sponsors for providing these children with a better balanced diet!

Bibles to the Juvenile Prison
March 25, 2014
Since each child at the Children's Ministry received a copy of the Bible, we were able to give Bibles to a good friend of ours who leads a ministry at the local Thai women's juvenile prison. We were able to give 34 Bibles to the ministry so far. Jessy had the opportunity to attend a Bible study that was held at the prison one day last month. It was so inspiring to see the girls' hunger for Jesus and to hear their powerful testimonies. We are so thankful for those of you who have donated Bibles. Your gifts are blessing the lives of some very special young girls!

A Priceless Gift
March 20, 2014
Thank you to everyone who purchased a Bible through our 1:30 Movement fundraising effort. With previous donations, Bibles have already been given to all of the 7-12th grade kids at the Children's Ministry, so now we were able to hand them out to the 4-6th graders as well! They now have their very own copy of God's Word that they will be able to take back to their villages!

Funding an English Tutor
March 11, 2014
The school year is coming to an end for the kids at the Children's Ministry.
Throughout the school year, Trinity was able to help fund an English teacher for the kids. With donations given to Trinity, a local English teacher was supported, and he came and tutored the kids on the weekends. We are so happy that we were able to bless the kids in this special way!

Glimpses of Hope
February 26, 2014
As you all have heard, money was donated through Trinity to the OMF Philippines Fund during the relief efforts of Typhoon Yolanda. We just received many pictures of Trinity's money being put into action! (See the rest of the photos on our Facebook page). In December, Christmas gifts were packaged, transported, and handed out to many children in the typhoon-affected areas. We LOVE seeing your generous donations being turned into gifts that brought so much joy & hope even amongst so much devastation. Praise God!

A New Rice Cooker
January 26, 2014
Another fun project has been completed! We were told by the staff members at the Children's Ministry that their 10 year old rice cooker that they use on a daily basis was not working properly. The automatic "warm" setting had broken, so the rice would continue to cook on the highest setting and would end up burning. We saw this as an opportunity to reach out. With your support, we were able to purchase a brand new rice cooker. We pray this will serve them well for many years to come!

More Chickens for the Kids
January 20, 2014
An update of your donations in action!! - Over the weekend we purchased more chickens! Enoch and some of the kids met us at the shop here in Chiang Mai to transport all of the chickens, cages, and chicken feed to the Children's Ministry. We are super excited that the kids will be getting even more eggs - up to 238 eggs a week! Thank you to everyone who donated to our chicken coop fund!

Fresh Cuts
January 11, 2014
For school the boys' hair must be cut short. Along with all his other duties, Enoch takes on the job of being the kids' barber! We noticed last week that by the look on the boys' faces, the clippers were pretty old and dull, and getting their hair cut wasn't the most pleasant. We decided this would be a great, little project for us to take on. So we headed to the store and picked up new hair clippers for Enoch and all the boys!! We are happy that even small projects like this one can make a difference!

The Dream of Education
January 1, 2014
Chuleeporn, the daughter of Enoch & Deborah (staff members at the Children's Ministry), has the dream of attending college in the upcoming school year. Her servant's heart and love for kids is apparent as she wants to become an English teacher. She sees this as an opportunity to not only further her English skills, but to help the kids that she lives with at the Children's Ministry and others to engage in great opportunities.
Our goal was to raise funds for her first year's tuition, as well as helping her with room and board. We have met at our goal, bringing us to a total of $2,500!
Thank you to everyone who donated! You are such a blessing to this young girl and her family! This project will not only affect this inspiring young girl, but will make a difference in the lives of other children as well!

Helping the Victims of Typhoon Yolanda
November 28, 2013
From beginning to end, God was clearly seen in all the details of our trip to the Philippines. We originally flew to the Philippines to attend media/video training through our ministry partnership with OMF. Not long before we left, Typhoon Yolanda struck central Philippines. This posed an incredible outreach opportunity.
We soon learned that funds through Trinity International Missions and donations from North Street Christian Church were being designated to help the victims of the typhoon and it was our job to find these opportunities. This became a very exciting mission for us. At the same time, it seemed pretty overwhelming not knowing where to even begin in a city of more than 10 million people. We began to fervently pray for God’s will to be perfectly clear. There is no question that as we spent time in constant prayer, God started working through the details in the most amazing ways. His timing and His plan were so perfect.
As a summary, we ended up visiting the Philippine Air Force base in Manila where hundreds of victims were being flown in from the typhoon-affected areas. We were surrounded by cheering and tears of joy as victims stepped off of the C-130 aircrafts. God placed three of the sweetest girls in our path who spent the entire day with us shopping for essential goods that would be given to the victims. With the money that was donated, we were able to purchase and transport to the Airbase the following items: 300 toothbrushes, over 900 packets of toothpaste, 500 bars of soap, 36 bath towels, 240 pairs of children’s flip flops, 72 pairs of children’s underwear, and over 400 men and women’s undergarments. The remainder of the funds will be donated through OMF’s Philippines Relief Fund Project.
This is just one example of how your gifts to our general fund are used in the moments of great need. We thank you for the blessing you are to not only us, but to many people from many nations!
- To read the entire story of our incredible experience, click here.
- Click here to see pictures of us at the markets and the Airbase.
- Check out our video here to see us in action in Manila!

30 Days of Prayer
October 31, 2013
We dedicated October as Shan month. From October 1-30, real stories were shared from the lives of the Shan People. We've learned about their struggles with things such as poverty, broken families, addictions, and illiteracy. Through the hardships that the Shan are facing, we can see how the church body is reaching out to this people group scattered throughout Southeast Asia. Over the past 30 days, specific prayers have been prayed for God to move in the hearts and minds of Shan families and for them to desire Him above all things. People from all over the world joined us in this prayer journey for the Shan, one of the largest Unreached People Groups in Southeast Asia. Visit the Shan prayer page to read the 30 days of prayer for the Shan
Make sure to check out this Shan ministry update video which includes encouraging stories from the field!
We pray that many people will get involved with our SD card ministry, which is spreading the Gospel message among the Shan people!

Children's Bibles
October 26, 2013
We had a fun opportunity yesterday to buy some children's Bibles for the younger kids at the Children's Ministry. We can't wait to hand them out to them! (Oh, and see our sponsored kids bulletin board? We are adding more and more pictures to it every month!)

A Bible for Enoch
September 9, 2013
We are so excited to share this with you all!
We're thrilled that money is being raised to provide the kids at the Children's Ministry with their very own Bibles. As many of you know, these newly released Bibles have the most accurate translation to date!
As we returned back to Thailand, a need presented itself right away...Now that the kids have new translations, what about Enoch, who leads the kids' church each Sunday? We saw the need to buy him a new Bible in the same translation as the kids' Bibles, not only so he could have an updated version, but so all the kids could easily follow along during the service. We were able to purchase a Bible for him that is in both Thai and English.
This is the first project that we've dived into since returning to Thailand, and it's because of all of your prayers and support that it has been accomplished!