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Bibles for Jury's

Located along the Thai Burma border are war-torn orphans living at Jury's orphanage (operated by LightBridge International). They are victims of a nation that is still currently very poor, unstable, and violent. The children living at Jury's orphanage have lost their parents to war, come from severe poverty, or have been sent off by their family to the Mae La refugee camp to live a better life. The orphanage in the refugee camp provides a safe place for these children where they are loved and cared for.

Rich and Melissa are connected to and have been working with the orphanage for some time. They take frequent trips to aid the orphanage and love on the kids. After spending time there, they have noticed that all of the children share one torn-up Bible. Falling apart at the seams, it is the only Bible they have access to in their own language, which is Karen.

St. John's church in PA recently generously donated to Trinity. Our hope and prayers were to connect their donation to a specific project. As Rich and Melissa spoke to us about the Bible need at the orphanage, we decided to devote this project to them. Through the church's gift, each person living at Jury's orphanage will be able to receive their own, brand-new Bible in their language. More updates and pictures will follow soon! Thank you to St. John's church for their generosity!

Like St. John's church, if your church, your Sunday school, or Bible study feels led to give, your donation can be used for high-impact projects such as this one! Contact us for further details, or visit our Donate Page.


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